Live Fire Training
Container Fire Training Facility Accessories & Props

Symtech’s high quality Container Fire Simulator ST and ST-PRO Training Facilities are available with an extensive list of optional accessories and props. Every training unit can be customized to the unique operational needs and budget of your department.
Example Container Facility Accessories and Props include:
- Forcible Entry Door
- Garage Door Cutting Prop
- Roll-up Door Cutting Prop
- Varied Angle Re-bar Cutting Prop
- “Denver” Drill Window
- Basement Bailout Window
- Wall Breach Panel
- 70,000 cfm Smoke Generation System
- Movable Walls/Maze
- Swinging Walls
- Standpipe with Exterior Siamese FDC
- Sprinkler System
- Multi-Use Rappell Station
Additionally, a wide variety of Container Facility enhancements are available for added value, realism and/or extended facility longevity.
Examples include the following:
- Galvanized Roof Railings
- Galvanized Roof Decks
- Burn Crib Assemblies
- Realistic Class “A” Props
- Burn Room Pavers
- Temperature Monitoring/Recording System
- Gas Fired Props
Symtech can customer design a prop or accessory to meet your unique training needs!
See also: